LinksThe quest for the Dark Lord - "God", "the Creator"Links.BooksThis page is meant for Links to Websites, but first of all there are Books.This part will probably be extended over time, and I will certainly be very unfair here, by pointing to merely a few books. A must read, however, is "Not in HIS Image" by John Lamb Lash. This book is really a must read! This book is about gnostic wisdom, and about what happened to these people, and to their knowledge, and their teachings. This is staggering - and rather upsetting - information! There are certainly many very good authors in this field, and it is not very easy for me to select any particular, or very special books. I could list here all the books that I myself have read, but that is not how this works for me. I would like to say, however, that I suggest that you look at the works of (for instance) Graham Hancock, David Icke, David Wilcock, John Lash, Robert Bauval, and Zecharia Sitchin, but many of you who are actually reading this are certainly already familiar with some or many of these authors. Other authors writing or talking about these things inklude Benjamin Fulford, Richard Hoagland, Anthony Sanchez, and Michael Tellinger to mention a few that I myself have been noticing in particular. Don't forget to read the Bible and the Koran, though, if you can find the necessary time, as that may be pretty informative. Please, however, go to Project Camelot (see below) to get a much better selection of topics and people writing and talking about all these things. Also use the Internet at large with Google, and Wikipedia, etc. etc. I do this my way, and I cannot really tell you all what to do, as for yourselves. Anyone sincerely interested in the Spiritual and Consciousness should look at the works of Eckhart Tolle. Two of his books "The Power of Now - A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment", and "A New Earth - Awakening to your Life's purpose" are really also a must read, I consider. This is actually something that every human being should know, but we have been made severely unconscious of ourselves. I also suggest anybody fairly interested in the mentality of the people we are dealing with in this area to read the book "Without conscience: the disturbing world of the psychopaths among us" by Robert D. Hare. This is a pretty good clinical description of our true adversaries. Links to certain Websites:There are certainly more links that I could post here, and I am probably a bit remiss by not doing so, but I do not want to have too much here either, because I want this to kind of be connected to my own "research". This is not meant to be a "well of information", but if I would come across something new that I find relevant, I will post it here.Kerry Cassidy has in the spring 2012 made a total remaking of her Project Camelot website, and there have been some rather extensive changes. I have now updated the links below according to these changes, and I have so included here the Old Project Camelot Site, and the Old Project Camelot Archive. This is to make it easier for earlier Project Camelot followers (including myself) to have a well-known overview, and to thus easier find certain materials, and this is also done as a kind of curio. I have certainly been very remiss in not mentioning above Jordan Maxwell, who is definitely a researcher who has been pointing to many of the things that have made me make the conclusions I am trying to convey with this website, and therefore I am also posting here the website of Jordan and a link to an interview with him at Project Camelot.